Archive for the 'media' Category

YouTube 4K

Just a quick note for those interested… YouTube recently introduced 4K into their lineup of supported resolutions (240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 4K). Obviously the choices of recording in 4K are very slim so you won’t see many films in the near future but it’s coming. Slowly but surely. So YouTube wanted to be a part of it. Nothing wrong with that. Here’s a sample 4K playlist. However, on full HD 23″ LCD screen the results look horrible. I’m going to presume it’s not just the heavy compression. The 1080p option looks infinitely better. So don’t even bother opening the 4K original if you don’t have a damn good connection and a 4K projector, screen or some other way to view it in full resolution. You likely don’t. Or as Ramesh Sarukkai of YouTube puts it:

First off, video cameras that shoot in 4K aren’t cheap, and projectors that show videos in 4K are typically the size of a small refrigerator.

Dettifoss & F864

Another low key video… the footage I had just called for such approach.

Dettifoss & F864 from Jernej Burkeljca on Vimeo.

I took it on a recent trip to Iceland and it sort of represents a condensed impression of Iceland in general… waterfalls and gravel roads through the desert (obviously there’s much more to it). Featured here are Detifoss and the drive there on F864 (Hólsfjallavegur). Wikipedia says it’s the largest waterfall in terms of volume in Europe. And it is impressive. Although once you make your way around from Reykjavik you’re wondering if seeing yet another waterfall is worth any extra effort. We took that chance. It was a miserable rainy, freezing and windy day but I’m not sorry.

Shot on Canon HF200 on a tripod that was shaking like a leaf in the wind and treated with proDAD Mercalli (highly recommended piece of software) to stabilise the in-car shots a little bit (it’s a very light camera and I wanted some weight to its movements).

Interview with Touretski

In November a friend from way back in my swimming years asked me for some help with an interview. Turns out the worlds most respected swim coach/scientist Guennadi Touretski (think Alex Popov & Michael Klim) was running a training camp in Maribor, in a pool just across the street. It was a rather unique opportunity to interview him from a perspective that’s not quite typical of his usual press engagements. Two ex swimmers, one super coach.

Interview with Touretski from Jernej Burkeljca on Vimeo.

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