Archive for the 'web tech' Category

CSS mastery

OK, I borrowed the title from Andy Budd but what else can you claim about this neat browser history timline by Eric Meyer?
Make sure you use your mouse to discover how hover effects work, then check out the source code. It’s a thing of beauty on its own. BTW don’t bother if you’re browsing with IE6.

Here’s how he did it

…and I guess I should go back to reading Bulletproof Web Design and Transcending CSS

Bad Layout

The what and why of bad layout conventions on the web as viewed and commented by Andy Rutledge

When newspapers and other print publications took their products to the Web, they were armed with what they thought was relevant design expertise. But this theretofore expertise turned to hubris when they failed to accurately recognize the constraints of this new medium. Their design and layout experience caused them to hold precious their deep columnar silo approach to sectional information presentation….

…When news main page sections are laid out in vertical columns of varying heights placed side-by-side it requires that a reader practice one of 2 irritating methods of content consumption: 1) scroll downward to scan a column’s or section’s content and then go back up to do the same with another column or section, or 2) scan horizontally across adjacent columns of differing contexts, then scroll down and repeat the process, etc…

24 ways series 3

24 ways (to impress your friends) continues with series 3 for 2007. Of course you should take a look at 2006 and 2005 series.

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