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Went for a little walk today. No dog, just me.

Picked the north face of Begunjščica since it doesn’t take that long to get up (right couloir). Once on the quite windy ridge I decided I’ll ski down the left route which, in hindsight, wasn’t the optimal choice. Sure, there’s a lot more space if anything goes wrong but there were too many exposed rocks and stones for my liking.

The conditions were actually quite ideal. Snow wasn’t too soft going up and not too compact going down. It was hard work though, I’m desperately out of shape. Took me 1h15min to get up, 5min to get down. I could do it a lot faster if my legs could take it though.

ROI? It was worth it. ;)

I took some photos but as luck would have it, batteries died almost immediately. I revived them with some warmth so I could take a few more on the top but they died fairly quickly. The best sections are missing unfortunately. Serves me right, I should charge them every once in a while. ;)

Going up the right route that continues into a couloir

going up

Another skier on the ridge going down


fixed the gallery

Gallery should be more or less functional now. I’ve added several new photos (many more to come, I seem to have been busy in the past few months)

pardon my dust…

…while I work on the design. The current themes I’m using (you might see several) ;) are not my own and are simply an interim solution.

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